The MLP Genuinely-UK based Identification Page!!


The UK only had one line of adult sea ponies and two lines of baby sea ponies, but even here it is possible to find differences between these and the US issue. The actual ponies themselves are covered on pages dealing with their respective yers, but this one is devoted to their accessories....

Pretty & Pearly Tiny Bubbles - a UK exclusive. Note that in the UK it seems Pretty & Pearly baby sea ponies came with a whale brush and not a fish comb. Also, the sticker in the centre of Tiny Bubbles' ring is not of the later clear scented design, but is one of the original puffy round stickers which were still available even at this late date with ponies in the UK.

This is also the design for all the UK Pretty & Pearly Baby Sea Pony Cards.

As regards the adult sea ponies, the basic shells for Surfdancer and Seaspray mimic those for Seawinkle and Wavedancer in the USA respectively. However, whilst Sealight in America had a *green* shell, in the UK Wavebreaker had a yellow shell, which is exclusive to this country. Despite *MANY* claims to the contrary, WaveBREAKER and WaveDANCER are identical in every way except for their shell, and so can be seen as the same pony and the first example of a difference in name between US and UK ponies.
In the below image, Seaspray is shown with the *wrong* shell as this picture was taken before I got her purple shell.

This image is taken from the 1985 Hasbro UK insert and quite clearly shows the sea ponies with their correct shells :)
Like in the USA, they also came with the shell brush and comb.

UK My Little Pony Accessories
Outfits Playsets Baby Toys Combs and Brushes
Sea Pony Toys Clips MLP Fact File Merchandise 


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Thanks to Ivy's Free Pics Page for some of the graphics on these pages and to Tess for the background image.
Baby Gypsy's and Nightlight's  images are my own <copyrighted to Princess Taffeta> and are not  to be used on any other page without my prior permission.


Take a Tour around the UK
1985 1986 1987 1989
1990-1 1992 1993
Variations Italian Ponies Other Country Made Ponies The MLP Club (UK)
UK Pony Backcards Accessories & Outfits Name Variations Across The Channel