Ponies Made In Other Places

Ponies Without A Country

Name: Blossom 
Comments: dark symbol, is blue with pink hair 

***If you have this Pony for trade/sale, email me!***

Name: Minty 
Comments: larger more spread out symbol 

Thanks to Lynx for this picture. 

***If you have this Pony for trade/sale, email me!***

Name: Moondancer
Comments: This is what I call a weird Moondancer...I've heard she is a German version. Her pose is different from a regular Moondancer and her symbol looks to be painted and a little clumsy in it's arrangement. She has much longer hair too and her eyes are a paler colour.

Thanks to Aine for this pic

***If you have this pony for sale/trade email me!***

Name: Gusty, I presume...
Comments: Well, I think she's beautiful. her hair is neon green and lacks the streak of red and her symbol is brownish gold and painted. She also stands in the same pose as Majesty...I think she might be a relative of the Moondancer above...

Thanks to Rapunzel for this pic...

***If you have this pony for sale/trade, email me!***

Name: Lickety Split
Comments: She's much like the Hong Kong one but I did notice a few surprising differences when I compared her with my original. Her eyes (sadly somewhat damaged) are a paler purple and her symbol is smaller and more defined. Her front hoof reads *c 84 Hasbro Pat Pend* but none of her other hooves have writing on and it appears that a country of manufacture has not been smeared over, simply not printed. Her hair is properly styled, not crazy like Lickety Split's hair often is, and is silky. She is made in a pose which is proportioned slightly smaller than the Hong Kong one but slightly larger than the italian version. I got her from France.
Name: Trickles
Comments: Her symbol is clearly larger and not glittered, but still a red colour, unlike the italian version. Also, the droplets from her watering cans are different (yes, they are there, only very faint and faded). Instead of three droplets, this Trickles has two droplets coming from each can, in metallic silver. The droplets are elongated and larger than on the Hong Kong original. Her eyes are printed rather oddly and are a darker green, and her hair is somewhat longer and thinner. Like Lickety Split, she has c 84 Hasbro Pat Pend but nothing else on her hooves, and is proportioned slightly smaller. Again, she came from France.
Name: Confetti
Comments: Confetti seems to be a pale yellow in colour, and her symbol is not the normal dark pink and green glitter - instead it is pale pink and green and is painted on. Her hair seems the right colour but longer than Confetti hair normally is.
Like the above two ponies, Confetti has markings on her front hoof which read ©84 HASBRO PAT PEND. but no nationality. However, this one was found on the UK second hand market.

Thanks to Baby Liquorice for this image and for the information about Confetti *nc*

***If you have this pony for sale/trade email me!***

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Thanks to Ivy's Free Pics Page for some of the graphics on these pages and to Tess for the background image.
Baby Gypsy's, Bright Eyes' and Nightlight's  images are my own <copyrighted to Princess Taffeta> and are not  to be used on any other page without my prior permission.


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Like minded pages - Visit Locket's site to see a few more Italian ponies, including Windy and white Lemon Drop