The UK My Little Pony


Confetti = white w/orange/pink/blue/fl.yellow m&t, confetti symbol
(And the Wedding Bells Playset)
Although Confetti was released in the USA, she was only ever a blushing bride-to-be across the sea in Europe and the United Kingdom. Standing in Bow Tie's shy pose, and wearing a beautiful wedding gown, Confetti looked every bit the part. The only one of the second set of Hong Kong made Rainbow Ponies to be sold in the United Kingdom, and the name "Wedding
Bells" so often used to describe her comes from the marketing name for the whole playset - Confetti plus gown plus ring. Her gown bears a close (but not identical) resemblance to the US pony outfit 'Something Old, Something New' and the outfit issued with Satin and Lace, who was never part of the UK line. 

This picture, taken from the insert, shows Confetti as the Wedding Bells pony.

This is how Confetti looked MIB.
Thanks to Cherrycake for donating this picture